Growing up always
knowing social media, my generation was always told to be skeptical of people on
the internet. Do not trust people online? You cannot really know if they are
telling the truth. Ready Player One
voices these sentiments. The characters are very careful about putting their
personal information in the system. This precaution is commonly taken by many
people today. You never put your social security number or bank account
information anywhere online. We are well aware of hackers.
Artemis reiterates
to Parzival multiple times “you don’t even know me” (186). In the OASI anyone
can be anyone. You can change your appearance and have a different online
persona than in real life. AS Artemis explains to Parzival “you only know what
I want you to know. You only see what I want you to see” (186). Ultimately, and
usually rightfully so, we have been taught to regard people you meet online or
websites you visit with mistrust. In this scenario, Artemis and Perzival have
the added challenge of being competitors; all the more reason for them to not
trust each other. However, Perzival breaks away from the internet-smarts that
we all have been ingrained with by falling in love with Artemis online.
Artemis points out
that he has never met her in real life and does not really know who she is as a
person. The question arises as to whether or not you can really get to know
someone online? Perzival’s actions and words seem to argue that you can
actually get to know the core values and desires of a person, for “in the
OASIS, you could become whomever and whatever you wanted to be” (57). In the
OASIS, people cannot see your physical appearance and they recognize that
people rarely ever look like their avatars. The OASIS eliminates first
impressions based off appearance. When you speak to someone, you cannot judge
them based off standards of beauty or attractiveness. What is attractive to
Perzival about Artemis is her mind, not her body. Therefore, in the OASIS
people can overcome their physical insecurities and reveal their actual
personality and thoughts. Feasibly, your true self can be revealed online
especially for tose “painfully shy, awkward kids, with low self-esteem and
almost no social skills” (30). For people like Perzival, these are hindrances
to forming relationships, expressing interests, and communicating with others.
Although, Perzival is insulating himself in the OASIS, he feels less alone in
it than he does in real life. In reality, he was bullied at school. In the
OASIS, he can study and overcome bullying. He can make friends in the OASIS and
fall in love with a girl.
However, Artemis
makes a valid point about meeting someone in real life. Perzival cannot simply
base his love for Artemis just on his interactions with her avatar. She is completely
correct in stating that she can hide things easily form him and he would never find
out unless he met her in person. While his love for her is more genuinely
founded in her conversation and personality, he cannot simply translate his
emotions for her online to real life. In real life, he may find that she is
completely different and put on a false persona. Perhaps if they met in person,
they would both be too shy or awkward to connect and communicate in the same
easy manner that they do online. The answer to the question is that you cannot
know who someone truly is just online. A person’s online personality can reveal
a lot. You can learn about something that you otherwise may not have found out
in real life. However, the downside and dangerous alternative is that the
person hides something very important about themselves. You are who you want to
be online. And sometimes this can be the complete opposite of who you actually
are in person.
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